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Senior Assisted Living at Allara

Assisted Living at Allara allows our residents access to our licensed 24-hour nursing staff, who are available to monitor health care needs for those residents needing assistance with personal care and activities of daily living. Our residents enjoy the company of others, all in a luxurious and vibrant community setting that creates a warm, friendly environment promoting independence and self-esteem.


Benefits Of Senior Assisted Living Servicesseniors-with-late-stage-of-dementia-4-ways-a-memory-care-facility-in-indianapolis-in-improves-their-quality-of-life

At our community, we strongly believe that transitioning to Assisted Living can bring peace of mind and enhance the overall quality of life for seniors and their families. Our Assisted Living services offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Comprehensive Care and Support: Assisted Living Services offer personalized assistance with daily living activities, including bathing, medication management, continence care and more, ensuring residents receive the support they need to thrive.

  • Inclusive Amenities: Residents enjoy a wide range of amenities, including delicious meals, an inclusive calendar of events, concierge services, housekeeping and convenient scheduled transportation, enhancing their quality of life and overall well-being.

  • Professional Health and Wellness Team: Supported by a dedicated health and wellness team, residents have access to expert care and medical support, providing peace of mind for both residents and their families.

  • Community Connection: Residents have the opportunity to engage with peers in a supportive community environment, fostering meaningful relationships and social connections, thereby reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness often associated with aging.

  • Independence with Assistance: Assisted Living services empower residents to maintain their independence while receiving the necessary assistance with daily tasks, promoting a sense of autonomy, dignity and self-reliance.


  • Daily living assistance 
    Focus on living a vibrant life

  • Medical management, health maintenance, wellness and related programs
    We take your safety seriously

  • Three delicious meals a day, with choice of dining options 
    Enjoy our award-winning Elevate® culinary offerings

  • Social and leisure activities
    Available through our Vibrant Life® program – Be Vibrant. Be You.

  • Weekly linen and housekeeping services
    We take care of the cleaning, so you can enjoy life

  • Scheduled local transportation
    Enjoy group outings or schedule a ride to an appointment
  • 24-hour on-duty nurse and front desk staffing
    Peace of mind knowing that someone is always close by

  • Salon and spa
    To look and feel your best without having to go far

  • Multimedia lounge and theater
    Catch your favorite flick in the comfort of our community

  • Full-service bistro with TVs
    We always have options for you to stay hydrated or grab a snack as you watch your favorite sporting events

  • Garden terrace
    Take in the gorgeous California landscape

  • Outdoor courtyards and dining patio
    For cozying up next to our built-in fire pits

Floor plans



Assisted Living Studio 2



Assisted Living Studio 3